Wood Destroying Insects
The Eastern Subterranean Termite is the most common termite in North America and is responsible for over $5 billion in damage to homes annually. While termites are incredibly common in nature and are even beneficial to wildlife, they can be devastating when colonized in a home. Unfortunately, termites do not discriminate when it comes to wood, nor do they know how to differentiate between the wood in a forest, the logs in your backyard, or the material used to build your home.
In addition to termites, there are other common wood destroying insects commonly found in Ohio. These include Wood Boring Beetles, Powder-post Beetles, Carpenter Bees and Carpenter ants.
A termite inspection can help to identify the presence or potential presence of these species of insects, in attempt to control, mitigate or manage any pests or damages to your home.
Encore: Progressive Inspections & Consultants LLC is certified and licensed to inspect for the presence of these insects and to report on any damages coming from these insects found in your home. During the inspection, we will help to inform you of practices helpful towards reducing the risk of infestation and will complete a NPMA-33 form which meets the standards of the Department of Agriculture.